Lets get herpes!
We love herpes!
We can get it together!
just you, me, him and her?
Don't feel like it

This summer break doesn't feel like a break at all,
bank in Brazil... why would I ever chose to write
New Order(!)
girl in the world!She is hot, lol.
Blauer Mauer.
Been half asleep all night, but couldn't really fall into
that really nice sleep when you just sleep until the sun
hits your window. HTML codes aren't working, too bad or
whatever. I have so many essays to start writing, and I just
spillt coffee on my keyboard, yay. Must... stay... awake...

So damn tired.

swim n splash?
Wants me to come with swimming, though it is
raining quite a lot so I feel like this idea is a bad one.
Summer holiday has already made me bored, after
three days, will soon be going away but will be home
one week one. Nothing to do so I simply spend my days
in front of the computer being lazy and bored. Thankfully
there are others on the internet so that is good, would
be more boring otherwise. Thank you people on internet.
Or something.
One bothering thing.. for most people
is facebook status updates, hour after
hour, searching for approval. Sadly,
many people to this so I don't have
many facebook friend left since
I simply delete the people doing this.
So far, no real problem. The problem
occurs in school, when someone
asks me why I removed them as
friends. Without really thinking
or looking into the social skills
section in my brain, I simply tell
the truth, that the person was
being an annoying idiot wanting
Seeing this, I will regard myself as completely normal.
No popcorn left
No sunshine, well maybe it will remain rainy and
cloudy forever. Perhaps that is my sunshine, if so,
then the actual sunshine would not be sunshine. All
too reversed to ponder about. No reason. JFK was the
biggest player amongst the american politicians
apparantly, there is an entire book written about
american presidents sexual habits, how very...
good to know. I feel like crawling out of the cocoon,
which we mentally do with help of understanding
and new realizations. I love realizing something
yet I get the feeling of stupidity since I haven't
realized it sooner. Rain and scorpions might ruin
your cocoon, therefore some people never realize.
Don't blame the naive, blame yourself for being to
clever. Just don't give birth to a psycopath.
vacuum cleaning spiders
Just finished Chronicle of a death foretold, I might
have liked it. Atleast the two last raw pages. The
protagonist tries to escape the angry Vicario brother
who have a slaughter knife. He just gets to the
door but then they slice him. Every single cut is
described so utterly clear, and when he starts
holding his intestines in his hands, running like
hell (even though every fact tells us he should
be lying down dead)... Yeah, I did like it.
just a lol
Wow, this is so fucking true lol. Just recognize the
feeling of trying to tell a friend "you can do it" you
will do well on the test... IB, there I be. Well, I
should probably not value every thought that
goes through my head as greatly as I do, but
that is hard since I agree with myself on everything.
What if
Annoyingly, some people
state rhetorical questions
and wait for an answer.
Fairly awkward when they
stand there quit, waiting
for an answer that I wont
fucking give. No way.
Increadably many tests
on the 4th of May, so strange
that they all end up the same
day, like a mushrooms
that grow close. This is like
a giant mushroom with many
smaller ones inside. Newest
language, global, is lame.
Why is it called a language
when it is a simplification.
I have no energy to think.
moon day
Forgot I had a blog. Ok well, a "blog".
Weird dream, everyone had cancer
and died. One is going to.
It snowed here yesturday.
Not too much, just enough
so that the sun managed to
get rid of it. Peew.
Love paint. Valborg is coming
up, which is good since that
means some days free from
school. Going training with mom
and old ladies in too
tight clothes, yuck.
And older people telling
that youth is dressing too
revealing, gosh, this
is perhaps as bad as girls
walking down town a saturday
night in high heels, barely
anything on and freezing.
It is funny.