I have a new theory to reduce rape- and murder cases of children.
See, parents who don’t allow their small children to watch scary movies, I mean
really scary, do something wrong actually. They are building up a brick wall between
the child and the outer, cruel world. If small children would watch movies were people
get slaughtered, raped and tortured… maybe they would see that “aha, if I run of
from school to play in the woods it is bad, there might be mean people there, just as in the
movie I saw”. Or, when little older, consider taking another way home than under the dark
tunnel when it is dark. If you have seen something bad happen to someone, irl or virtually,
you will most likely avoid it so it doesn’t happen to you… So, a federal law should be that
children between 9 and 15 have to watch horrible movies. Fuck night mares and mentall
traumas they will get them later in life anyways, better hurry it up and make everyone
used to it. I will be home soon.
hunger games
... is a shitty movie. Atleast the first half,
it is way too cheesy and you know what
will happen next even without any
pre-knowledge about it or having read
the book. 2 h 20 min of extreme
confusion, why were all these people
laughing when it wasn't funny at all.
Random woman with a pink hat and
strange makeup in the movie walks
to a podium... people start giggling.
A dog jumps out of the forrest, some
scream randomly. Wow, really scary.
Cute hamster. Sucks to miss people.
random facts from various internet sites
* The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds...
* If you sleep in a cold room, it is a bigger risk of night mares...
* Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions...
* Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine are the four states in the U.S. that do not allow billboards...
* The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. Ok this one was a surprise to me...
I don't get along well with many people, I am such a bad person.
statutory rape
I wonder how old the youngest murderer from all times
is. Probably like one. One year old child kills friend by
mistake when he accidently suffoces his friend with
a pacifier. Just a guess.
Just fun reaction. Hilarious, probably
set up though, since he started to
record it. Or maybe he records everything
Oh no.
Stupid snow. I woke up like this, well
the tail is a roof or something. It is
interesting how some people get happy
and others angry as hell from alcohol.
The angry ones are far more fun to talk
to when they call though.
Okay, I simply have too much spare time.
Fun to photoshop pictures together.
Always as surprised when friends parents
add me on facebook. I don't see the point,
I am not hanging out with them, some I have
only said "hi" to and it just feels like some
people on facebook collect friends. Like
the more friends the better. I do my annualy
great purge of my facebook friends. Anyone
who I haven't spoken to in a while will go. And
the people that are pure attention whores.
I find it fun to talk about nothing important. Sorry.
Just lol.
A very random lesson, "and time for a little
clip". Hitler listening to"what is love". Hilarious.
It is cold and dark here but atleast not school
tomorrow. Means I can watch movies all night!
Oh right, would have done that anyways.
arrest the prince
Mentally preparing for one and
a half hours of slow talking about
Castro. I must not sleep. Some
totaliteran leaders are interesting,
others are just too lame. Oh well.
I should really fix the deisgn for this
blog, it reminds me about a stale
hospital with white walls, boring
text and nothing there. Maybe
turn hospital into play ground.
All cred to this kid!
Boring lesson, I strongly
hate when the teacher
goes through the easy
things only, since it is
the hard things that we
need explained further.
Lazy motherfuckers.
Definately a nice cake.
I just looked out the
window and the sun is
shining. The summer
is great, but it is easier
to concentrate during
the darker months.
This is a bit too much
happy spring weather.
A bit more depressing is
good for concentration.
Idk & idc.
Aw. Such a cute little thing, this
is my room mate. Never disturbs,
the word emotion comes from
latin meaning to disturb, hilarious.
Wow, more tree slaughter.
stacked in piles, sap pouring
out of their veins. No head-crown
left. We need to save the environment
so our children don't have to grow up
in this... I have come up with the
sollution, the final sollution, we should
use the earth as much as possible
and kill it, then our children will not have
to grow up at all. Perfect!
Slow row mow
I hate you stupid slow
internet. Checked the
attic, was nobody there.
Would have been a fun
surprise though. I have
to make three notebooks
into digitalized text before
tomorrow. CAS and ToK
suck bad. So abolutely
useless and time consuming.
Mein own kampf to submit it.
Why does gay men love
designer jeans? Omg.
bitch please...
An old lady is intervied at a retirement
home. The interviewer asks when she
latest had sex. She thinks for a bit and
says "1940". The interviewer says that
"that was a long time ago". The old lady
answers back "You younger people don't
understand time at all... the clock isn't
more than 2030".
welcome 2 u-tube
Time goes so fast sometimes. Listening
to my favourite artist and thinking of
that I need to go and make a call. I
have built a hiden place in minecraft.
Need a coke. I wonder how old I'll
be when I die, I really hope I reach 100.
"If you find yourself secretly adopted by your
parents, pull out your revolver and shoot them".
Strange biology teacher. Soon going to zumba
thing, I am too lazy to enjoy excercise it is mostly
sweaty, pointless and boring. Just posted something
in the mail, in three months I will see lol.
Lonely duck that wants more cake.
Zombieland interview. Going to watch this some day.
I love Emma Stones voice, it's a bit like that tattoo girls.
I'm going to go to hunger games on saturday with a
friend, no idea what it's about. I sleep best in the
monings so instad of waking up an hour before school
I simply wake up twenty minutes before i begin.
It works fine.
Should maybe go for a ski lol. Annoyed since hamatchi
does not want to work properly. Restarted, uninstalled
and tried other help progams for it. Nothing is working.
Fuck this, should make my own server instead. Oh right,
need hamatchi for that also. Splendid...
cold feet
Awefully cold, could only manage to
knees. My lame excuse to myself for
not swimming is that the people walking
by starred when I stood in the water.
Would have stared more if i had begun
to swim i guess. Really got cold feet
in both of its meanings lol.
rain here
Carved an angry carrot head.
Finishing a history essay, then
I will go and take a swim. Will
take a picture. It just started
to rain.
Finished my Stephen HAWKings. Enjoy.
mind that
Played chess in school today. It worked
perfectly fine until I waved my arm to
demonstrate something and it everything
flew away.
Black rose
Not at all fun,
just with a gun.
Today it is cloudy.
Bad swimming day
but that makes it
more fun though.
I dreamt that I went
up to the attic that I
haven't been in for
many years and that
someone was up there,
kidnapped. Creepy. Now
I will need to go up there
and check, just in case.
Swedes are going crazy about this wonderful ice
cream that came out several years ago but got
banned after a child got it stuck in his throat.
Now it is back and stores are sold out. Need
to buy it on the black market, if there would
be one significant enough to sell ice cream.
For over a month I have been telling my sister
that I will help with an assignment. Over a month,
that is over four weeks. She said we'll do it later.
Now, just before it is due, she asks me about it.
Sute I think, though I want to sleep. Then I realise
she wants me to do it for her. Lol. No energy for that.
So "life lesson", ask for help in time. It is all easier then.
A tree river. So much symetry on the earth. Realised
I end at lunch tomorow also, must have done something
brilliant cause karma has a tail wind. I think I will
go swimming in a river nearby tomorrow afternoon. Will be
so extemely cold though. It is still plenty of ice on the river
though. This was taken some years ago in the spring, it is
about the state of it now as well.
call it that
Can cool challanges kill crippled crying people?
No they will be fine. Thinking of starting to write
my internal in economics. Have chosen an article
about Brazil. I like Brazil, my zumba dance teacher
is from Brazil she is cute. Fiesta. I feel like going
fishing, sitting by a lake alone and getting mosquito
bites. Catching a fish, killing it, grilling it and eating it.
I don't like it though
I found a plant on a trail today so I tasted a bit of it,
it was definately liquorice. It had one green leaf and
the part that grew under the ground was liquoricy.
Tell that to your parents if they don't allow you to eat
candy. Liquorice grown on earth.
Went and got a tattoo today. I think
it is really something I can keep for
life, it means so much for me. Now
when I wake up I will see this, the
the green represents pot, the legs,
prostitutes and the coloured heads
the Pope and his family. All the things
I love in life concentrated on one place!
How much water is it possible to consume
after an entire lunch - probably a lot, but i'm
lame, already feel sick after one liter. Going to
go and buy more ice cream now. No more paint today.
U a colporteur?
Tuesday spiders. Lol, Santorum is Catholic but
fails to capture most Catholics vote. They vote for Romney.
American Catholics obviously seem to care more about
politics than religion, finally some are waking up.
Hope they all lose the elections.
An empty window
I saw a yellow butterfly a minute ago from the window.
Wonder if they have thoughts, if they can plan their days
or if they just go by, minute by minute...
Z: "Use google chrome, then you can
watch your daily porn secrety." Fun conversation
on the row behind me.
Beer can lake
It is bad to sneeze, it can cause nosebleeding
so try to not sneeze. I think my bio teacher
takes something, always so fucking weird.
Need to found out further, perhaps they weed guy
bribes the teacher to get higher grades. Very likely...
Bad morning, have headache again. Might be
raining as well so double bad. Have no idea where
I put my keys, again. Think it would be easier
with finger-print scanners or something on that track.
No reason
What the... Well maybe he met his future wife or somthing in there,
but then I ask myself why he didn't tattoo in her name instead of
walmart's. Perhaps he ate the best corn dog ever there, or that
he bought the best frying pan ever. Whatever the reason behind
this is he deserves.. whatever fuck this he's an idiot.
Trailer old
The Social Network, for you that haven't seen this amazing movie
Evening discussion
An obvious Picasso. Sometimes I love to
help people, I did today, maybe a bit at least.
Why are so many on facebook telling so utterly
personal things? So many attention-whores.
Soon it is Easter break, finally. Going to go to
Finland with a friend and visit a fish-spa. Where fish
work as feet-eaters lol. Stick your feet in water packed
with small fish. Aparently it tickles a lot. Running sucked,
it was freezing and windy. Finished almost all homework
for this week, whatever it comes more, nothing to get
exicted about really.
Made a mini Cuban Missile Crisis of tampons. It is so warm
so i'll head out running with dad now. He is in a bad mood i think.
choco puff
Definately the dream house, I think. "J" just went home so now I'm bored
again. I like to come home and find that she is here lol. One of the few people
that's fun hanging with. I want to swim somewhere, will have to think about that.
cleaning is benefitial
There's no point in anything anymore. One and a half years left
then freedom. So there is a point with everything, in one and a
half years. I found my lost post-it box yesturday.
Why write in cockney...
Flower girl: Ow, eez yo-uw [...] de-ooty bawmz?
Dear god. Just, no fucking comment.
morning glory
Simultaneously drinking coke and coffea. Just, ew.
Time to go to math class. For one month now I will
have the most amazing schedule with gaps and
sleep-in-morning. No Swedish for a month - perfect!
I have a zit o my chin now, it decided to grow during the
night. It is the independende day in Bangladesh today.
If anyone reading is from Bangladesh, well, happy
independence day. I like the idea behind copyleft,
copyright that it cannot be copyrighted in that sense.
Long lame day ahead, might upload a photo of some
snow some day. I still have snow, just a bit in a hill though.
Some interview
Want to go away somewhere random I am tired. Should stop playing
this stupid computer game and do some homework. Oh well, first on
my list is to mentally break down all bitchy people I know. It will go fast
since they are bitching arround with each other. If one domino
falls, they all will fall.
What hapens after death?
Tickle him!
Don't know what some commercial makers think with. This is just
an epic commercial, so very very wrong. The little doll gets a boner
and pees when they tickle him Why would anyone buy this doll
for thir little girls? Just sending so utterly wrong messages lol.
wow.. happiness
The series "suits" i follow has a new episode, it is just so
great. The best series of the year. I got so happy. Now
I will spend an hour watching this lovely, über-wonderful stuff.
walking is over-estimated
I want to grow wings, would love to wake up like this.
bloody sunday bleed
Near my school a spring day. I like the spring because that
simply means it's soon summer and the summer is the best.
I have different plans for this summer, for different reasons.
I will either go to youth army camp in north or go to US and
work on a goat farm with dad's friend. I don't know which
would be most "fun" but either way it will be a different
experiance. Anyways, I need to become less bored with
everything. Or not, nah whatever.
Quack. I'm thinking of starting a collection of animals this summer,
so many animals and insects that die of natrual causes here and
that would save them from getting eaten by other animals but this
isn't as gross as it sounds. I can't stop listening to Bo Burnhams
songs they are hilarious. This song (words, words, words) has
6 ½ million views.
J. Eisenberg
Screenshot from "The Social Network". Just watched it for
the 10th (?) time. Best movie made, only problem with it
is that it is not longer. Eisenberg is so good in this, a cooler
version of Zuckerberg. Need some real air now it feels
crowded in here though it's not a person here...
minimal music
Welcome, enjoy your fucking tea.
Horny Lama
Couloring book for big children, after twenty minutes of
boredom I finished this head twister lama with horns,
it might have been a deer though,probably.
Some boys don't leave
Official trailer to the 15 min movie "Some boys don't
leave. This short film is hilarious yet depressing at
the same time. But watch it.
California Dreaming - the Mamas & the Papas
I like this song, somehow it cheers me up from
my self-hating state of mind. The sun is shining here today.