
I was thinking... when the statistics
come out of the average age of people
to die and China (more Japan though)
gets high scores... hopefully they consider
the fact that many start counting their
age from the day they were created,
so three months after they are born their
first birthday occurs. Ah, ofcourse they
must consider that, bet they do.
I need to come up with seomthing to
get my friend becoming eighteen.
Perhaps a big ice cream cone and
alcohol.. teenagers love alcohol.
Lol. Goodnight.


A rather good song. I'll get bored
to death since I don't have school
this week. Oh no.

Sick but fun joke from somewhere

There was a little girl and her mother walking through the park one day and
they saw two teenagers having sex on a bench. The little girl says, "Mummy, what are
they doing?" The mother hesitates then quickly replies, "Ummm they are making
cakes." The next day they are at a zoo and the little girl sees two monkeys having sex
 Again she asks her mother what they are doing and her mother replies with the same
response, "Making cakes." The next day the girl says to her mother, "Mummy, you and
Daddy were making cakes in the lounge last night, eh?" Shocked, the mother asks, "How
do you know?" She says, "Because I licked the icing off the sofa."


 I have a new theory to reduce rape- and murder cases of children.
See, parents who don’t allow their small children to watch scary movies, I mean
really scary, do something wrong actually. They are building up a brick wall between
the child and the outer, cruel world. If small children would watch movies were people
get slaughtered, raped and tortured… maybe they would see that “aha, if I run of
from school to play in the woods it is bad, there might be mean people there, just as in the
movie I saw”. Or, when little older, consider taking another way home than under the dark
tunnel when it is dark. If you have seen something bad happen to someone, irl or virtually,
you will most likely avoid it so it doesn’t happen to you… So, a federal law should be that
children between 9 and 15 have to watch horrible movies. Fuck night mares and mentall
traumas they will get them later in life anyways, better hurry it up and make everyone
used to it. I will be home soon.

hunger games

... is a shitty movie. Atleast the first half,
it is way too cheesy and you know what
will happen next even without any
pre-knowledge about it or having read
the book. 2 h 20 min of extreme
confusion, why were all these people
laughing when it wasn't funny at all.
Random woman with a pink hat and
strange makeup in the movie walks
to a podium... people start giggling.
A dog jumps out of the forrest, some
scream randomly. Wow, really scary.


Cute hamster. Sucks to miss people.

random facts from various internet sites

* The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds...
* If you sleep in a cold room, it is a bigger risk of night mares...
* Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions...
* Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine are the four states in the U.S. that do not allow billboards...
* The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. Ok this one was a surprise to me...
I don't get along well with many people, I am such a bad person.

statutory rape

I wonder how old the youngest murderer from all times
is. Probably like one. One year old child kills friend by
mistake when he accidently suffoces his friend with
a pacifier. Just a guess.


Just fun reaction. Hilarious, probably
set up though, since he started to
record it. Or maybe he records everything

Oh no.

Stupid snow. I woke up like this, well
the tail is a roof or something. It is
interesting how some people get happy
and others angry as hell from alcohol.
The angry ones are far more fun to talk
to when they call though.


Okay, I simply have too much spare time.
Fun to photoshop pictures together.
Always as surprised when friends parents
add me on facebook. I don't see the point,
I am not hanging out with them, some I have
only said "hi" to and it just feels like some
people on facebook collect friends. Like
the more friends the better. I do my annualy
great purge of my facebook friends. Anyone
who I haven't spoken to in a while will go. And
the people that are pure attention whores.
I find it fun to talk about nothing important. Sorry.

Just lol.

A very random lesson, "and time for a little
clip". Hitler listening to"what is love". Hilarious.
It is cold and dark here but atleast not school
tomorrow. Means I can watch movies all night!
Oh right, would have done that anyways.

arrest the prince

Mentally preparing for one and
a half hours of slow talking about
Castro. I must not sleep. Some
totaliteran leaders are interesting,
others are just too lame. Oh well.
I should really fix the deisgn for this
blog, it reminds me about a stale
hospital with white walls, boring
text and nothing there. Maybe
turn hospital into play ground.


All cred to this kid!


Boring lesson, I strongly
hate when the teacher
goes through the easy
things only, since it is
the hard things that we
need explained further.
Lazy motherfuckers.


Definately a nice cake.
I just looked out the
window and the sun is
shining. The summer
is great, but it is easier
to concentrate during
the darker months.
This is a bit too much
happy spring weather.
A bit more depressing is
good for concentration.
Idk & idc.


Aw. Such a cute little thing, this
is my room mate. Never disturbs,
the word emotion comes from
latin meaning to disturb, hilarious.


Wow, more tree slaughter.
stacked in piles, sap pouring
out of their veins. No head-crown
left. We need to save the environment
so our children don't have to grow up
in this... I have come up with the
sollution, the final sollution, we should
use the earth as much as possible
and kill it, then our children will not have
to grow up at all. Perfect!

Slow row mow

I hate you stupid slow
internet. Checked the
attic, was nobody there.
Would have been a fun
surprise though. I have
to make three notebooks
into digitalized text before
tomorrow. CAS and ToK
suck bad. So abolutely
useless and time consuming.
Mein own kampf to submit it.
Why does gay men love
designer jeans? Omg.

bitch please...

An old lady is intervied at a retirement
home. The interviewer asks when she
latest had sex. She thinks for a bit and
says "1940". The interviewer says that
"that was a long time ago". The old lady
answers back "You younger people don't
understand time at all...  the clock isn't
more than 2030".

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